Ading AD Skopje
Issuer's basic data
ul. Novoselski pat (1409) broj 11
Contact person +
Antonio Spasevski
+389 2 32 39 257
+389 2 20 34 810
Year 2023 2022 2021
Total Revenue from operation Activities 678,145 554,656 557,282
Operating profit 171,104 74,938 60,645
Net profit 159,890 67,132 60,519
Equity 492,293 399,634 459,775
Total liabilities 153,742 163,412 199,761
Total assets 646,035 563,046 659,536
Market capitalization 386,400 324,576 270,480
* data in 000 MKD
Year 2023 2022 2021
Return on sales 25.23% 13.51% 10.88%
Net earnings per share (EPS) 413.79 173.74 156.62
Return on assets 24.75% 11.92% 9.18%
Return on equity 32.48% 16.80% 13.16%
Price to earnings 2.42 4.83 4.47
Book value per share 1,274.05 1,034.25 1,189.89
Price to Book Value 0.78 0.81 0.59
Dividend Per Share 38.00 32.00 30.00
Dividend yield 3.80% 3.81% 4.29%

ADING is a leading company in South East Europe in production and sale of construction chemicals, established in 1969. The head office of the parent company and its largest production capacity are based in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, having representative offices and distributors in over 13 markets in the region of South East Europe, Near East and Asia. The company has its own production capacities in the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Iran, and representative companies in the Republic of Serbia, Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Greece. The product range includes over 100 products, offering solutions even to the most specific problems of the modern construction industry. Today, nearly 60% of Company's products are sold on external markets, hence the large number of reference buildings in these markets where ADING's products and technologies have been used and implemented. ADING Group today has over 150 employees, 90 of which are employed by the parent company and the others by the Group member companies in the Republic of Macedonia and worldwide. ADING is an engineering company with over 40% of its staff being civil engineers, architects, chemical engineers, engineering technologists and other highly qualified profiles.

Supervisory Board
Belev Aleksandar - President
Filip Filipovski
Aleksandra Petrovska
Rade Jankov

Management Board 
Zoran Petroski - President and General manager
Goran Atanasovski
Vanja Donceva-Rajatoska
Daniel Cekov - Deputy President of Board
Dime Janchev

  1. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  2. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  3. Share buy-backs and non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares

    We inform you about executed share buy-backs and non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares
  4. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  5. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  6. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  7. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  8. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  9. Share buy-backs and non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares

    We inform you about executed share buy-backs and non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares
  10. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
Price movement
Symbol data
Market segment:
Mandatory Listing - ordinary shares
Total shares
Last trade: 10/21/2024
Max Price:
Min Price:
Avg Price:
Last 52 weeks
Max Price:
Min Price:

* the average price is from the last trading day

**data doesn't inculde block trades

*** the ordinary shares and the priority shares own by the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republic of Macedonia – PDIF (if they are issued) are summed up. The priority shares own by the PDIF are converted in ordinary shares at the moment of sale.

Historical Data