Ugotur AD Skopje
Issuer's basic data
ul.15 - ti Korpus br.2
Contact person +
Maja Velkova
+389 75 441 813
Year 2023 2022 2021
Total Revenue from operation Activities 1,531 295,622 281,491
Operating profit -1,987 27,621 7,934
Net profit -1,380 24,984 7,461
Equity 62,699 64,072 36,783
Total liabilities 16,054 79,035 115,913
Total assets 78,753 143,107 152,696
Market capitalization 17,323 17,323 24,252
* data in 000 MKD
Year 2023 2022 2021
Return on sales -129.78% 9.34% 2.82%
Net earnings per share (EPS) -1.59 28.84 8.61
Return on assets -1.75% 17.46% 4.89%
Return on equity -2.20% 38.99% 20.28%
Price to earnings - 0.69 3.25
Book value per share 72.39 73.97 42.47
Price to Book Value 0.28 0.27 0.66
Dividend Per Share
Dividend yield 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%


Board of Directors
Maja Velkova - Executive member
Dusko Angelov
Goran Shterjov - President

  1. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  2. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  3. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share
  4. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  5. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  6. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  7. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  8. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  9. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
  10. Non-trade transfers of listed companies' share

    According to the data from the Central Securities Depositary we inform that the following non-trade transfers of listed companies' shares were executed
Price movement
Symbol data
Market segment:
Mandatory Listing - ordinary shares
Total shares
Last trade: No
Max Price:
Min Price:
Avg Price:
Last 52 weeks
Max Price:
Min Price:

* the average price is from the last trading day

**data doesn't inculde block trades

*** the ordinary shares and the priority shares own by the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republic of Macedonia – PDIF (if they are issued) are summed up. The priority shares own by the PDIF are converted in ordinary shares at the moment of sale.

Historical Data